Zeppy birthday to you! ;-)
Anders Andersen
JoinedPosts by Anders Andersen
happy birthday.
by zeb injust finished a walk today i came onto a happy family group of all the generations celebrating a tiny ones birthday.
they all sang ..happy birthday and i sang with my bass baritone the chorus, .."why was she born so beautiful why was she born at all.." silly words but they are happy words.
the family cheered their pleasure at this outsider joining in.
Supreme Court Of Russia bans Jehovah's Witnesses as an 'extremist organization'
by EdenOne inread the news here.
the jehovah's witnesses lost their appeal to the supreme court of russia.
bethel to be liquidated.. i bet the gb saw this coming ... here comes the persecution complex paranoia.
Anders Andersen
No matter how "pathetic" you think the religious doctrines are, it's every individuals right to follow their own individual conscience
Yes...everyone should be allowed to follow his individual conscience (as long as that does not mean to inflict harm om others).
But in Watchtowerland, your individual conscience is to be made obedient to Watchtower rules. Your conscience allows you (or even urges you) to accept blood, or continue associating with your DFed children? Watchtower will try force you to violate your conscience. If you don't, you'll lose all your friends and family.
So shutting that organization down strangely might mean that a lot of people have more freedom of religion...
Dissolving a legal entity does not stop anyone from following their conscience on worship. They can all still pray to Jehovah, read their Bibles and annoy their neighbors with their preaching.
Just not in a KH. Or with forbidden literature.
I wish no harm for the individual Witnesses anywhere in the world. But th organization should be taken down.
Can a Person Resign From Being One of Jehovah’s Witnesses? (JW.org FAQ)
by Da.Furious infound this in my rss feed of, as new faq on jw.org:.
the answer was .
a person can resign from our organization in two ways:.
Anders Andersen
Wow this makes my blood boil, so dishonest!
Is this spiritual warfare? Leading people to believe you can just leave whenever you want?
Supreme Court Of Russia bans Jehovah's Witnesses as an 'extremist organization'
by EdenOne inread the news here.
the jehovah's witnesses lost their appeal to the supreme court of russia.
bethel to be liquidated.. i bet the gb saw this coming ... here comes the persecution complex paranoia.
Anders Andersen
Interesting that JW.org is so full of themselves that they never report on other religions facing similar 'persecution' in Russia.
And while I am all in favor of freedom of (personal) religion and such, I can also see and understand that a government would want to take down any organistation that coerces it's members (and even former members) into shunning their family and refusing best available medical treatment. You're free to do so if you decide so personally, but any organization forcing people to do so should be taken down.
JW are really not allowed to play the 'freedom of religion' card, as they do not respect that concept at all, especially not within their ownew group.
Have you ever stopped and noticed anything about the world?
by TheRevealerOfTruth inthis is one of the last things you are expected to do.
in a society that creates you to go home and watch the kardashians.
in an economic system where the currency trust is wavering on a private banking system.
Anders Andersen
So you have a computer program that combines random words, or are your cat and spell checker working together? ;-)
Have you ever stopped and noticed anything about the world?
by TheRevealerOfTruth inthis is one of the last things you are expected to do.
in a society that creates you to go home and watch the kardashians.
in an economic system where the currency trust is wavering on a private banking system.
Anders Andersen
LisaRose isn't shying away from a word or two either, but at least it's very clear what she is saying. There is meaning in her words, and I heartily agree with both the words and the meaning.
If you can't explain your idea or concept in 5 sentences that could be understood by a 10 year old, you probably don't understand what you are saying yourself.
If you have a message, be clear and concise. If you have no message, please exercise your right to remain silent ;-)
What is the alternative to JW?
by Formerbrother ini mean this with all due respect, i would like to hear from genuine people who think jw have it wrong and then what is the truth?.
im not talking about silly little quibbles here and there.. is jehovah real?
the the bible is word?
Anders Andersen
How do you know the difference between the wisdom of Jehovah, and the wisdom of Bronze Age humans who wrote about Jehovah?
New DNA Study Confirms Noah
by notsurewheretogo inhttp://www.icr.org/article/9325/.
amazing read...go on , have a laugh if you want to.. new dna study confirms noah.
by brian thomas, m.s.
Anders Andersen
Awesome that Cheddar Man's great-great-great-great-[...]-great grandson (or at least distant relative) lived only half a mile from his 9000 year old ancestor.
Interesting thought in the video: the DNA techniques used to trace migration patterns and human age and ancestry are exactly the same techniques that are used to determine paternity or used as evidence to convict killers and rapists.
Those who reject the techniques should be out there protesting to get all those innocent people released from jail. And then maybe offer them a stay at their homes, since they're all innocent and such...
Gorby wishes you a happy convention! (picture)
by Gorbatchov ingorby has been offline from jwd for some weeks, and it made my situation not better, have had some serious problems with the fading, much pressure, i have nothing new to say, it must be very similar to the situation of many faders here.. so, i had so much pressure, that we have had to change our holiday booking so we are able to visit the convention, due to family reasons, you all know what i mean.. please wish me (and us) much luck for this summer.
it is not my best summer season in life.. this is how i feel:.
Anders Andersen
I am determined to not attend the convention program, but with 3 spare days on my hand (wife still in) I might take my motor bike and ride to the convention anyway to see some friends and family during intermission.
If you would happen to be at the northernmost convention as well, I'd be happy to chat with you after intermission to distract you a bit from the bunker videos :-)
In any case, good luck. Bring ear plugs and a good book. Maybe whiskey and a cigar as well ;-)
Watched The Bunker Videos Again On JWSurvey
by JW_Rogue ini watched the bunker videos again and noticed something strange.
even though none of the characters had actually been disloyal to the org when commended for their loyalty they all say "it wasn't always that way".
it was always that way, none of them had actually sinned!
Anders Andersen
Good observation.
I just quickly skipped through the bunker videos. Here's what I noticed (in no particular order):
- cult!
- Cult!!
- CUlt!!!
- CULt!!!!
- CULT!!!!!
- Elaine's voice is super hot. She's can read any WT nonsense to me :-p
- 'The silent treatment' (lasting 1 phone call) when having an argument with your JW hubby is wrong and wordly. (But a life long silent treatment for your parents/children/siblings is OK when the elders said so of course)
- I never was allowed as much as a very fake water pistol....and them rent-a-cop brothers get to have full body armor with perfect replica guns? Not fair!
- This top elder nerd guy looks like he's about to hand out the kool aid